Sunday, 20 March 2011

Please do not feed the Models

I stand for the Protectection of "modellars" and I am against the cruelty inflicted upon them
Through interogations disguised as "question time".

I beleive all questions that do not relate to their beauty, the colour of their dress or the first name of the person who made it are totally irrelevant.
The only other exceptable question is one that leads into the answer "World Peace".

What you, the public, have done is turned a perfectly working beautiful woman into a dumb blond just by asking stupid irrelevant questions about her future, politics etc.

...And now you've confused this wonderful species into beleiving they should be clever to win a pageant.
For goodness sakes, just let the woman look pretty!

All the change she will effect is because of her beauty not because of her opinion on the current macro economic climate.
The prettier she is, the more change she will effect.

Since when was so much expected of someone just because they were beautiful?

Everyone can be intelligent if they really try (and/or if they have access to google) but beauty...this is not to be taken lightly.
Nor is it to be bundled with another qualifying characteristic.

I say, look and appreciate the beauty without question (pun intended)

No models were harmed in the writing of this blog

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Spell check also does wonders for those of us who cannot go on beauty alone *stares at Vernon's picture* ... I'm just sayin'.
