Wednesday, 18 February 2009


I love them, I really do.

 Well Most of them. Most parts of them...
...Their supple breasts, pert asses, slim waists, smooth skin, soft lips.

I just wish their brains were the same
Supple - easy, responsive adaptable
Pert - Boldly forward in speech and behaviour
Slim - small in quantity or amount
Smooth - Free from projection and unevenness
Soft - easily penetrated 

But no, life would be too simple then, wouldn't it!
Instead, as a man, who loves women I get the total opposite.
Surely I should get some sort of 'cash back'  for being good to them (most of the time).
Instead I get riddles, ultimatums, suspicion, questions.
Guilty until I prove myself.

Guilty until I figure out that all the hypothetical and impartial comments will always relate to us.
Guilty until even though I've chosen you I not only advise the world but reject them as well.
Guilty until I realise the suspicion created by all my actions or, worse still, inaction's.
Guilty until I learn to answer before I'm questioned (without raising suspicion)

I'm guilty, but I have a good case, I hope they find me innocent.


I still love them though, I really do.


  1. Wow, thats deep is this directed to anyone in particular its kind of passive agressive LOL

  2. 'To all the girls I've loved, before' ;)

  3. I sympathise....having been "guilty" of some of this myself, all I can say is sometimes a woman gets defensive because she's been hurt a lot... but if you still love us gals, that will eventually win out ;)

  4. Thanks for the sympathies Juicy.
    Sometimes i think the wrong way round,BUT
    surely being defensive and relating things to when you were hurt before is a counter productive self fulfilling prophecy?
