Friday, 20 February 2009

Monkey Bananas

So the New York Post published a racially controversial cartoon.
I was outraged, I'm sure I was! I mean, I'm black I must find that offensive! Surely!
There is so much racial baggage attached to chimpanzees that surely, this must refer to Black people and by extension me? Never mind Barack, this is about me, surely!

Is the cartoonist racist? - I don't know.
Is the cartoon racist? - Yes, it could be interpreted that way.

But by reacting, am I not confirming that I do in fact bear resemblance to this black, dumb, flat nosed chimpanzee?
What is the correlation between Monkeys and blacks anyway?!
Do I even know why it is racist; except that it's an historic racial stereotype.

Alternatively, by not reacting do I reduce the impact such statements have (Just like the word Nigger (only when said by a fellow black person OF COURSE)), or, am I encouraging its further use as there will be no consequences and repercussions for it - I ain't no sucker - Right?!

But wait a minute, doesn't Rupert Murdock own the New York Post?
He owns Fox News too right?
Just like the word nigger perhaps I wouldn't have minded if it was said by someone else.

Oh dear....


  1. Apparently a crazy pet monkey was shot dead somewhere in the US earlier this week, and that is what they were referring to....but still in talking about the stimulus bill they clearly meant Obama. I don't know if it meant to be racist. It certainly was lazy...

  2. Yeah - The same News paper aptly named the chimpanzee -'Furious George' - What irony!
