Wednesday, 25 February 2009

I Know Love

This can't be love i'm feeling, It hurts too much.
I know Love, I've felt it

When will it end?
I know Love, it wont leave me

We loved, ever so dearly, yet still fiercly,
We loved ever so loudly, piercingly permanant.
Who the fuck did we think we were?
Loving as if we would never love again!
I know love i've touched it

And now I can not Love again?
For fear of not loving as I did with you
Or is it for fear of hurting as i did with you
If you were 'The one' will there be no other
Am I allowed to love this much more than once?
I know love I've experienced it

And now we're flirting with the idea of 'us' again
The possibility of feeling again, loving again
Who the fuck do we think we are?!
If we've both changed and are different people, 
People that wont commit the same mistakes, 
- then are we still compatible.
Can such love be repeated?
I know Love, I recognize it

I wish my thoughts were as clear as my actions.
I wish you knew what I mean and not what I say.
I wish you didnt have the power to hurt me
I wish you didnt know everything about me
I wish we were faithful
We'd avoid all the apprehension and maybe,
Just maybe, Love like we've never loved before
You dont wanna know love like I do
Ignorance is bliss
Love is blissful
The best love to be had is the kind that is Blisfully Ignorant.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Monkey Bananas

So the New York Post published a racially controversial cartoon.
I was outraged, I'm sure I was! I mean, I'm black I must find that offensive! Surely!
There is so much racial baggage attached to chimpanzees that surely, this must refer to Black people and by extension me? Never mind Barack, this is about me, surely!

Is the cartoonist racist? - I don't know.
Is the cartoon racist? - Yes, it could be interpreted that way.

But by reacting, am I not confirming that I do in fact bear resemblance to this black, dumb, flat nosed chimpanzee?
What is the correlation between Monkeys and blacks anyway?!
Do I even know why it is racist; except that it's an historic racial stereotype.

Alternatively, by not reacting do I reduce the impact such statements have (Just like the word Nigger (only when said by a fellow black person OF COURSE)), or, am I encouraging its further use as there will be no consequences and repercussions for it - I ain't no sucker - Right?!

But wait a minute, doesn't Rupert Murdock own the New York Post?
He owns Fox News too right?
Just like the word nigger perhaps I wouldn't have minded if it was said by someone else.

Oh dear....

Wednesday, 18 February 2009


I love them, I really do.

 Well Most of them. Most parts of them...
...Their supple breasts, pert asses, slim waists, smooth skin, soft lips.

I just wish their brains were the same
Supple - easy, responsive adaptable
Pert - Boldly forward in speech and behaviour
Slim - small in quantity or amount
Smooth - Free from projection and unevenness
Soft - easily penetrated 

But no, life would be too simple then, wouldn't it!
Instead, as a man, who loves women I get the total opposite.
Surely I should get some sort of 'cash back'  for being good to them (most of the time).
Instead I get riddles, ultimatums, suspicion, questions.
Guilty until I prove myself.

Guilty until I figure out that all the hypothetical and impartial comments will always relate to us.
Guilty until even though I've chosen you I not only advise the world but reject them as well.
Guilty until I realise the suspicion created by all my actions or, worse still, inaction's.
Guilty until I learn to answer before I'm questioned (without raising suspicion)

I'm guilty, but I have a good case, I hope they find me innocent.


I still love them though, I really do.

Saturday, 14 February 2009


Things have to fall apart before they're put back together 
and so it is, for me, piece by piece

To bounce up high off a trampoline, all your energy must be exerted
downwards, in the opposite direction of where you want to be
and so it is with me, downwards still further

To be someone, you must first realise who you are not
and so it is with me, insignificant, helpless

New life is often herolded by death,
and so it is, I die and wait to be reborn.

I take comfort, oddly, in the fact that things are in fact going wrong.
Time and Money are running out, patience is running thin, 
Everything is running, racing and I can not see the finish line but I'm told it's there
Spurred on, not to win but to finish.

If I opposed, resisted, raged.
Would the pieces be hastily put back together,
Would the upward force be absorbed in my knees,
Would I be someone else,
Would I be stillborn?

And so it is I find myself...

I would go home, but unfortunately she is in the same state as I.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Bitter Sweet / Bittersweet

Is it one word or two? Who is bitter and who is sweet?
When one is bitter is the other sweet?
Is it sweet because any taste after bitter would be sweet?
Can the responsibility of turning the bitterness to sweetness lie solely on the one who has caused it?
Can the feeling, like the word, be passed as one? Uttered in the same sentence?
An apology in the same sentence that has caused the hurt?
Is it a relationship of words or a mere coexistence?
I feel bitter because you're still sweet.
You find it sweet that I’m no longer bitter.