I know Love, I've felt it
When will it end?
I know Love, it wont leave me
We loved, ever so dearly, yet still fiercly,
We loved ever so loudly, piercingly permanant.
Who the fuck did we think we were?
Loving as if we would never love again!
I know love i've touched it
And now I can not Love again?
For fear of not loving as I did with you
Or is it for fear of hurting as i did with you
If you were 'The one' will there be no other
Am I allowed to love this much more than once?
I know love I've experienced it
And now we're flirting with the idea of 'us' again
The possibility of feeling again, loving again
Who the fuck do we think we are?!
If we've both changed and are different people,
People that wont commit the same mistakes,
- then are we still compatible.
Can such love be repeated?
I know Love, I recognize it
I wish my thoughts were as clear as my actions.
I wish you knew what I mean and not what I say.
I wish you didnt have the power to hurt me
I wish you didnt know everything about me
I wish we were faithful
We'd avoid all the apprehension and maybe,
Just maybe, Love like we've never loved before
You dont wanna know love like I do
Ignorance is bliss
Love is blissful
The best love to be had is the kind that is Blisfully Ignorant.