Saturday, 14 March 2009

The pre-game smack talk was relentless, I was feeling pretty confident after our win over Real but winning at Old Traford isn't an easy task. We, my uncle and I, went to watch it in Luton at Whitehouse. We were late, cause we're black like that and when we got there all the Zimba's were in full spirit. You'll always find Zimbo's gravitate to the same drinking hole - Something about safety in numbers though from what I always see, safety is quite the opposite of what you'll see.

There were some Mancs chanting in the corner next to our herd. In amongst the herd, I was surrounded by mancs, I stood bravely taking big gulps of my beer - so much for all the running!
The mancs were chanting, singing, cocky bastards. 
"Glory glory Man Uniiiited...." I took another gulp and started wondering if i rally should have said all those things earlier...ah well, balls to the wall....

1-0 shit, I really shouldnt have been that vocal...
More chanting from the mingy Mancs!

Then it happened, torres, come on......Goal!!!!!!!
Everybody's cheering, there they are my fellow scousers!!!
"Liiiiiiverrrrrrpooooool, liverpool, liverpool..."
Where were you guys??!! And then it began, like a tennis match, back and fourth, chanting, singing, shouting.....
Wait, another goal, what happened to all the Mancs that were standing around me?
Where are those loud mingy mancs gone to..."Your not singing anymore..."
Mancs = gone to the toilet (probably to kotch with disgust)
Mancs = gone for a scaver (probably to calm their nerves)
Mancs = gone to the bar to get a dring (probably to drink away their sorrows)

Shame, they're singing again, the mancs, they looked a lot bigger when I got here, they're so tiny, little boys even - Have they got ID?!
"We are the champions..."

Another goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Who are ya!? Who are ya?!..."

My uncle, the mingy manc, creaps up behind me avoids eye contact and tries to say ever so forcefully, 'Ay, lets go, we gotta go to the launderette *****the washing machine isnt working so we had all the dirty linen in the car*****.
I was more interested in airing the dirty linen of Man U...I started singing, in his face "Liiiiiverrrrrpoooool, liverpool, liverpool!!!...."
He, my uncle, the mongy manc, tried to pull me out but I wasnt having it!!
"Liiiiiverrrrrpoooool, liverpool, liverpool!!!...."

This was the worst defeat at old Traford in 17 years!!
Go on Liverpoool!!!

Whilst this was going on, thanks to the beauty of technology I was being the worst winner i could be. Phoning, texting, twittering, facebook....I'm still doing it now, relentlessly!


YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE unless ofcourse you're Manchester united.
Go on Liver!

We won we won we won!!
How sweet it is!

1 comment:

  1. this is your worst post ever.

    I'm a sore loser. Still bitter. But at least I aint a scouser.
