Sunday, 28 February 2010

Of Books & Their Covers

Judge me
It's my book, I covered it
Perceive your reality
Make it my truth
Aid the depravity of this truth
Abet this truth through judgement
Judge me
And use it to cover me
Judge & jury Reading out my sentences
I am but a book to be read
And my book has blown your cover
Judge me, I'm covered.
You're Honourd, be my judge.  

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Quickly, before you know what's happening

I fall in love, 
Quickly and often
Giving it no chance to manifest
It stays as love
I wish I would fall out of love
As quick and as often
Yet, I sit there, on the chamber
Oblivious to the smell accumulating
And so I become 
Depleted,Dissipated, spent
It's conception worse than it's birth
And yet still I love
Quicker yet less often
And just as I am, I love
Without adjective